Unleash Your Potential in the Blockchain Universe

About Chainclass

At Chainclass, we believe that knowledge is the key to embracing the potential of blockchain technology.

Our web2.5 educational platform offers a seamless onboarding experience and an extensive range of courses, empowering individuals to master the intricacies of the blockchain ecosystem. With a diverse selection of courses, including JavaScript SDK, Python SDK, Rust, Solidity, Web3 marketing, and more, we cater to both English and Spanish-speaking learners, and adding French in the future, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all.

Empowering Minds, Transforming Communities

Illustrative Spot Tech Products and Objects Cursor

Flow into growth

Unlock a world of opportunities in the blockchain realm

Chainclass strives to make blockchain education accessible to everyone, everywhere, in any language.

The platform is designed to deliver engaging learning modules tailored to suit the varying skill levels of users, as well as bestow certifications and incentives upon the completion of courses and attainment of key milestones.

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Upcoming PFP project on Polygon

A multifaceted NFT project with an educational mission and a strong focus on community building.

KTTN Studios' commitment to education, art, and community building positions it as a trailblazer in the rapidly evolving NFT landscape.

Where Education Meets Innovation

Chainclass invests in the future with education initiatives to empower the next generation of blockchain leaders.

Illustrative Spot Tech Products and Objects Smartphone

Providing education for future innovators

Our commitment extends beyond education, as we actively engage with educational institutions and organizations to foster the growth of blockchain knowledge among future generations.

User-friendly and accessible

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to engage with blockchain education effortlessly, regardless of their technical background or experience level.

Blockchain education

for all

We prioritize equal opportunities for all individuals to thrive and contribute to the decentralized future.

Meet the team

luana cantuarias

Founder & Project Manager


Chief Marketing Officer

Blessing A

Project Developer

Your Pathway to Success in the Decentralized Future

Learn, Earn, and Lead the Blockchain Revolution: Unleash Your Potential with Chainclass

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